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Florida (FL) Mergers Acquisitions CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Florida (FL) Mergers Acquisitions

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57 minutes
Transactional Integration & Due Diligence: M&A Deals From Start to Finish
Join us as we explore the complexities and regulations surrounding M&A deals from transactional due diligence to integration. Our subject matter experts in this session will examine each step of the process from the perspectives of both the acquirer and the acquired.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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55 minutes
Demystifying Special-Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs): Separating the Potential from the Hype
Special-purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), also known as “blank-check companies,” have recently reemerged as a feasible acquisition vehicle for many private companies. However, although SPACs provide unique benefits and significant investment opportunities, companies and practitioners must still be wary of the potential risks this type of investment brings. Join us in a comprehensive discussion of the pros and cons of SPACs. Speakers will also talk about the current and emerging SPAC investment trends.

The Knowledge Group


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